Let’s get you started on your journey


Group Workshops

Groups are a minimum of 2 and a maximum of  9 persons.


Will be determined based registration and class size


*Kindly note, you can take the Implementation Phase alone if you so choose. The Maintenance Phase is not available without the Implementation Phase.

Implementation Phase $215

Maintenance Phase* $150

Implementation & Maintenance Phase $365

One on One Sessions

Prior to making your payment, kindly email me with your preferred day(s) of the week, and time(s). Once we have agreed on the day and time, you will have 48 hours within which to make your payment. Sessions are conducted via Zoom.


Implementation Phase $248

Maintenance Phase* $180

Implementation & Maintenance Package $428

We ask that you complete the survey below so that we may know your baseline

This survey will help to provide information on where you are at the beginning of your journey. Your baseline. The information you share is confidential and will only be shared between you and I.

A few suggestions 

If you have not already done so, it would be a good idea to

Keep a list of the vitamins and dosages you take, as well as frequency that you take them…e.g. daily, weekly, etc.

Keep a list of the natural herbs that you take and include frequency that you take them, as well as dosage.  

Make a list of the name(s) of your prescriptions along with details on how often you take it/them and dosage(s). 

Keep a list of the name(s) and contact information of your primary care physician and other health care providers.

Keeping this information in an easily accessible space / area can be beneficial.