Useful Resources
In our American society, there has been a disassociation between the food we consume and its connection to health. We perceive food primarily as satisfying our pleasures and our hunger, and being filling.
It is possible there is an underlying presumption by us, that the body is also being nourished by whatever we consume.
Our program places food in two categories:
Foods to be Added
these are foods known to be rich in a wide variety of nutrients and antioxidants. These include a variety of grains, greens, legumes, all other vegetables, fruits, nuts and spices… AND water.
Foods to be Subtracted
these are inflammation causing foods, as well as foods that research has shown to cause an increase in cholesterol and fats, causing heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and other diseases….. in other words, foods that feed our diseases.
These include cold cuts and packaged highly processed foods (foods with a bunch of additives). Milk from other animals and other dairy products, such as cheese. Also foods high in cholesterol, such as eggs; and of course poultry, fish, beef, and other kinds of meat.
Helpful Advice
Give yourself permission to stop and appreciate nature. For example, when was the last time you noticed a flock of birds flying overhead, and allowed yourself to stop and watch? Give it a try sometime.
Is something a choice if you are not fully informed? Hmmmm…
A relapse in healthy eating implies you come back more experienced.
Photography by Yvonne Rubie